Try to get at least 18 questions correct on this 20 question test (90%).
1331 local time is:
0039 local time is:
2310 local time is:
1800 local time is:
0004 local time is:
0619 local time is:
0721 local time is:
0407 local time is:
1135 local time is:
1156 local time is:
1710 local time is:
2345 local time is:
0636 local time is:
0931 local time is:
0307 local time is:
0008 local time is:
0641 local time is:
2052 local time is:
2328 local time is:
2329 local time is:
24-Hour Clock 5
Outstanding Job!
You scored over 90% which means you are well prepared for this phase of new-hire flight attendant training.
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24-Hour Clock 5
You're going to need to work a little harder.
You scored less than 90% so please try again. Once you can score 90% or more, you will be ready for this phase of flight attendant new-hire training.
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