Try to get at least 18 questions correct on this 20 question test (90%).
You report for duty at 0609 and are off duty at 1524. How many hours were you on duty?
You are assigned a trip that pays 2+29 at day pay rates and 3+09 at night pay rates. What is your total pay time for the trip?
You are scheduled to fly a trip worth 4+36 pay the first day, but your first two legs worth a total of 2+24 are cancelled. The rest of the trip pays as published. What is your total pay time for the first day?
Your flight attendant union prohibits you from being on duty for more than 14+30 hours in a given day. You checked in for the trip at 0854. What is the latest time you may be released from duty to stay legal?
Crew scheduling calls you during a trip and informs you that you have been rescheduled to fly a different trip. Your union work rules prohibit you from exceeding 8 hours of hard time in a day. You have been flying all day and have accumulated 6+20 hours of hard time so far. The new trip assignment is worth 2+39. If you exceed 8 hours of hard time you will become illegal. What will be your total hard time projection if you take the trip?
You are required to have a minimum rest period of 8+40 block to block. If you blocked in at 2148, what is the earliest time you may depart in the morning?
You are required to have a minimum rest period of 10+30 block to block. If you blocked in at 2046, what is the earliest time you may depart in the morning?
You are assigned a trip that pays 7+02 at day pay rates and 8+12 at night pay rates. What is your total pay time for the trip?
You are assigned a trip that has three legs. The block time on the first leg is 4+45, the second leg is 4+50, and the third leg is 4+02. What is the total block time?
You are scheduled to fly a trip worth 5+18 pay the first day, but your first two legs worth a total of 2+38 are cancelled. The rest of the trip pays as published. What is your total pay time for the first day?
You are assigned a 4-day trip that reports at 1431 on the first day and is off duty at 0808 on the fourth day. When the trip is over, how long will you have worked?
You block in at your destination at 2354. Your RON is scheduled for 12+19 (block to block). What time will you depart the next day?
You report for duty at 0152 and are off duty at 1657. How many hours were you on duty?
Your working agreement does not allow you to exceed 85 pay hours in one month. You have flown 64+18 so far. You would like to fly one more trip worth 21+31. What is your total monthly projection if you fly this trip?
Crew scheduling calls you during a trip and informs you that you have been rescheduled to fly a different trip. Your union work rules prohibit you from exceeding 8 hours of hard time in a day. You have been flying all day and have accumulated 6+26 hours of hard time so far. The new trip assignment is worth 2+47. If you exceed 8 hours of hard time you will become illegal. What will be your total hard time projection if you take the trip?
You are assigned a 4-day trip that reports at 1153 on the first day and is off duty at 1527 on the fourth day. When the trip is over, how long will you have worked?
Your working agreement does not allow you to exceed 85 pay hours in one month. You have flown 70+55 so far. You would like to fly one more trip worth 14+16. What is your total monthly projection if you fly this trip?
You are assigned a trip that has three legs. The block time on the first leg is 4+59, the second leg is 5+08, and the third leg is 2+44. What is the total block time?
Your flight attendant union prohibits you from being on duty for more than 14+25 hours in a given day. You checked in for the trip at 0610. What is the latest time you may be released from duty to stay legal?
You block in at your destination at 1718. Your RON is scheduled for 17+16 (block to block). What time will you depart the next day?
Hours and Minutes 1
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